‘The World’s Strangest Married Couple’: Circus Life In The 1930s

Published on 06/14/2018

‘The World’s Strangest Married Couple Circus Life In The 1930s

‘The World’s Strangest Married Couple Circus Life In The 1930s

Al “The Giant” and Jeanie “The Half Girl” Tomaini were born different. Al Tomaini was a giant. He outgrew his 6 foot 3 inch tall father when he was just a teenager! Can you imagine? He had to face a life of being different, but had the best attitude one could about it. Everyone who knew him said he was always happy, gentle, respectful, generous, and an absolute pleasure to be around. He earned the title as “The World’s Tallest Man,” and became a very successful circus performer. He found comfort being surrounded by others in the circus community who were also treated poorly and viewed as “freaks” by other people. When Al Tomaini was around other circus performers, he didn’t feel like such an outcast. The story only starts there. Al Tomaini’s future wife, Jeanie Smith, had an incredibly difficult life. She was born without arms or legs and was only 2 feet and 6 inches tall. She was exploited by her family since the time she was born. She became a circus spectacle when she was just an infant. When she wasn’t performing her family abused her, and would charge money for people to see her. She was quickly labeled “Half Girl” and when she grew up people called her “The World’s Only Half Woman.” She grew older and also became a professional circus performer.

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It was at the circus that she found more than just a career, she found her true love! Al and Jeanie saw each other at a circus performance, and had an immediate connection. They were soon inseparable. Al saved Jeanie from a life of abusive, and they two could have not been more happily in love. Al proposed to Jeanie and the two made it official! They were labeled “The World’s Strangest Married Couple.” Now that they were together, they were stronger than ever. They didn’t let harsh labels or name calling get to them. They decided to capitalize on their new label and performed together for years. These two have an incredibly unique life and love story. Want to know why their lives were so different? Read on to see how “The World’s Strangest Married Couple,” fell in love and find out how they lived for decades together:

Al Tomaini

Aurelio “Al” Tomaini was once the world’s tallest man. He was born in New Jersey on February 15, 1912.

Aurelio Al Tomaini

Aurelio Al Tomaini

He was just one of 7 children! It was apparent pretty early on he was very different than his siblings.

Growth Spurts

By the time he was just 12 years old, he outgrew his father, Santo, who was 6 feet and 3 inches tall!

Growth Spurts

Growth Spurts


His parents, Santo Tomaini and Maria Bossone decided to take their son to a doctor to see why this was happening.



The physician they went to took many X-rays and tests and discovered the cause of his incredible height was an over-active pituitary gland.

A Life Being Different

So, Al Tomaini had to go through life being substantially taller than those around him. He was often bullied at school and within his community.

A Life Being Different

A Life Being Different

He was the only person with “gigantism” in his town.

Tallest Man In The World

Feeling like an outcast and having issues becoming employed, Al decided to use his abnormal height to his advantage.

Tallest Man In The World

Tallest Man In The World

He became the self-proclaimed “Tallest Man In The World” and stood at 8 feet and 4 inches. He also wore size 27 shoes!

Heart Of Gold

Despite being ridiculed for his appearance, those who knew Al said he was incredibly nice, genuine, gentle, and down to earth.

Heart Of Gold

Heart Of Gold

He was always respectful and never let rude comments affect him or how he treated others.

Circus Performer

Struggling to find “normal work,” Al Tomaini became a circus performer.

Circus Performer

Circus Performer

He worked in a circus at the Great Lakes Exposition in Cleveland.


It was while he was a circus sideshow performer that he met his future wife, Jeanie Smith.



She was very interested in getting to know this gentle giant.

Jeanie Was Also Born Different

Berniece Evelyn Smith or “Jeanie” was born on August 23, 1916, in Bluffton Indiana.

Jeanie Was Also Born Different

Jeanie Was Also Born Different

She was born with twisted arms and without legs.

2 Feet Tall

Like Al, Jeanie was born different. When she was fully grown, her height was far below average.

2 Feet Tall

2 Feet Tall

She stood at just over two feet tall.

Trying To Keep A Positive Attitude

Jeanie also experienced bullying and hardships growing up different. Like Al, she too had the best attitude one could in this situation.

Tring To Keep A Positive Attitude

Tring To Keep A Positive Attitude

Everyone who knew Jeanie said despite her small height, she had a giant personality!

Circus Performer

Not long after Jeanie’s birth, her parents saw her money-making potential as a circus performer.

Another Circus Performer

Another Circus Performer

Performing When Only An Infant

Jeanie began performing in circus exhibitions when she was just an infant.

Performing When Only 3

Performing When Only An Infant

She quickly became known for her acrobatics and ability to use her mildly deformed hands to entertain. She was quickly labeled “The World’s Only Half Living Girl.”

A Childhood In The Circus

Her biological mother decided to enter Jeanie as a circus performer at such a young age. Jeanie worked at “pumpkin fairs” in Indiana.

Performing When Only An Infant

A Childhood In The Circus

She also began traveling to different cities in the Midwest. Her performances usually consisted of gymnastic feats such as handstands, cartwheels, and climbing up a ladder. By the time she was 11 years old, Jeanie advanced from performing alone at agricultural fairs to performing with some of the larger organized carnival and circus outfits.

Abusive Childhood

Jeanie’s biological mother died when she was just 13. Jeanie was still performing at a fair in Texas when this happened. She and her two brothers were placed into an orphanage.

Abusive Childhood

Abusive Childhood

Jeanie was adopted at age 15 by Lizzie Weeks who was psychologically abusive towards her. She kept Jeanie locked up in her home when she wasn’t performing and would charge a fee for anyone who wanted to see her.

Jeanie Meets Al

When Jeanie was just 19, she had enough. She felt alone and with no one to turn to. Then just at the right moment, she found a giant who would change everything for her.

Jeanie Meets Al

Jeanie Meets Al

It was in 1936 at the Great Lakes Exposition Center that Jeanie took an interest in one particular performer named Al Tomaini. She was curious about this very tall and nice man.

Sparks Flew!

Sparks flew immediately between Al and Jeanie.

Sparks Flew

Sparks Flew

She thought she found love and a way to escape her abusive adoptive mother.

True Love

Al was also crazy about Jeanie!

True Love

True Love

It wasn’t long after they met that he decided to propose to her.

They Made It Official

The couple eloped in Cleveland, Ohio on September 8, 1936.

They Made It Official

They Made It Official

They were wed by a justice of peace.

‘World’s Strangest Married Couple’

After the wedding, the two decided to take a honeymoon in Niagara Falls.

Worlds Strangest Married Couple

Worlds Strangest Married Couple

They were quickly labeled the ‘World’s Strangest Married Couple.’

‘World’s Strangest Married Couple’

Al and Jeanie as a married couple surprised and shocked people.

The Worlds Strangest Married Couple

The Worlds Strangest Married Couple

They got attention no matter where they went, and often were ridiculed in public.

Using It To Their Advantage

Happy that they found each other, but still feeling like outsiders, the pair decided to turn their new label into a circus gimmick.

Using It To Their Advantage

Using It To Their Advantage

They began to perform together and were introduced as the ‘World’s Strangest Married Couple.’

Touring Together

The two toured for decades as “The World’s Strangest Married Couple.”

Touring Together

Touring Together

Many called Jeanie “The World’s Only Half Living Girl.” The duo worked at circuses, carnivals and managed their own shows.


Feeling the most comfortable surrounded by their circus peers, the two settled in a circus community in Gibsonton, Florida.



Carnival Capital Of America

Gibsonton, Florida was well known for its population of unusual people.

Carnival Capital Of America

Carnival Capital Of America

Many retired circus performers also visit there frequently. Al and Jeanie were embraced by the community which is still known as the carnival capital of America.

Al And Jeanie

People came from all over the world to see Al and Jeanie.

Al And Jeanie

Al And Jeanie

The two really were a sight to behold! They very much stood out from all the other giants, midgets, and interesting looking people in the community.

Establishing A Home

Al and Jeanie were so happy to start their lives together and felt comfortable and at home at Gibsonton.

Establishing A Home

Establishing A Home

They decided to make this community their permanent home. They became very active with community affairs and very much enjoyed their lives as a married couple.

The Giants Camp

Al and Jeanie then decided to purchase property in Gibsonton. They built a fishing camp and lodge along a river and called it “The Giant’s Camp.”

The Giants Camp

The Giants Camp

They put one of Al’s size 27 cowboy boots on a nearby sign to mark it as their own.

The Giants Camp Owner and Operator

Al was the official owner and operator of “The Giant’s Camp.”

The Giants Camp Owner And Operator

The Giants Camp Owner And Operator

He then decided to purchase a TV repair shop business and a tourist trailer court. He weighed 357 pounds at this time.

Adding To The Family

After the newly married couple had a stable income, home, and community, they decided to add children to their family.

Adding To The Family

Adding To The Family

Al and Jeanie adopted two daughters.

Giving Back

Al and Jeanie were good people and they wanted to give back to the community for providing them a safe and stable place to live.

Giving Back

Giving Back

With their savings and earnings from the camp, the couple purchased and donated an ambulance to their town.

A Big Part Of The Community

Al felt like this wasn’t enough and also served as the world’s tallest fire chief and president of the Chamber of Commerce. He also helped build the community hall for the city out of the kindness of his heart.

A Big Part Of The Community

A Big Part Of The Community

What a great guy!

True Love!

While all this was happening, Al and Jeanie’s marriage couldn’t have been going better.

True Love

True Love

They were inseparable and passionately in love.

As Happy As Can Be

They were so in love, Al could hardly keep his hands off Jeanie!

As Happy As Can Be

As Happy As Can Be

Al was often seen with Jeanie propped up on his shoulder or carrying her at his side. Jeanie always looks as happy as can be!

Still Going Strong

Perhaps because of all the love in his life, Al outlived most others who have giantism.

Still Going Strong

Still Going Strong

Giantism is a rare disease characterized by rapid growth spurts and can result in numerous health complications and premature death.

A Joy To Be Around

While Al always had a positive attitude, in reality, he was always enduring an immense amount of physical pain.

A Joy To Be Around

A Joy To Be Around

He never showed it, especially when performing.

Al Died Too Soon

Unfortunately, the gladular disease which caused Al’s gigantism also resulted in Al’s early death.

Al Died Too Soon

Al Died Too Soon

He left his beloved wife, Jeanie, and died on August 30, 1962 when he was only 50 years old.

Back To Jeanie

Jeanie outlived her husband by many decades.

Back To Jeanie

Back To Jeanie

She continued to run the camp until her own death on August 10, 1999.

Jeanie’s Death

Jeanie Tomaini was buried on the anniversary of her husband’s death.

Jeanies Death

Jeanies Death

She was just two weeks shy of her 83rd birthday.

The Tomaini Family Today

The rest of the Tomaini family still resides in Gibsonton. Their great-grandson, Alex Zander Marrow is actually a circus performer!

The Tomaini Family Today

The Tomaini Family Today

He continued the family legacy by performing as the ‘Junior Torture King.’ His grandmother, (the Tomainini’s adopted daughter Judy), actually built him his first bed of nails.