This Man Made A Startling Discovery When He Started Digging In His Own Backyard
This man had been residing in this Arizona home with his family for years. When you stay in a house for a long time, it practically becomes a part of your family. Every resident of the home then comes to know every corner of the property during their stay there. However, this particular man made a shocking and sinister discovery right in his literal and proverbial backyard. Yes, he unearthed something years after he began living in the house! We daresay that the finding completely changed the family’s life. Keep reading to find out how. After living in your house for a certain amount of time, it’s pretty safe to say that your house becomes a home. Every square inch of your home becomes instinctively familiar and every room resonates with memories. From the dining room table where you celebrated every family milestone, to the backyard where you mowed the lawn every weekend and watched your family play and grow. After so many years, you think you would know everything you could ever know about your property and explored every inch of your backyard. Though some people dream of adventure, exploration and unearthing hidden treasures, most would probably look further afield for this. This is probably why some get lost in an adventurous book or immerse themselves in an adventurous movie or thrilling series. For others who really crave some real-life action, they would visit a historical site or jet set around the world for an unforgettable experience.

This Man Made A Startling Discovery When He Started Digging In His Own Backyard
For thrill-seekers living in Arizona, the area is actually filled with outdoor adventures, from scenic hiking trails to river rafting, there’s a wealth of breathtaking experiences on offer. For most people, the idea of unraveling a mystery in their own home or making a shocking discovery in their own backyard would not even cross their mind. It probably wouldn’t enter their wildest dreams. After all, they’ve spent time in every room daily and explored every inch of the property a thousand times. For this man though, maybe he sensed that something was a little extraordinary was about to happen, or maybe he also craved a little adventure in his life too. Perhaps that’s why he wanted to look at the original plans for the property. Either way, nothing could prepare him, his family or his friends for what he was about to unearth…
A Man From Arizona
Reddit user Captantarcitca is actually a man called John Sims. He owns a house somewhere in Tucson, Arizona and he made waves on the website when he wrote about his peculiar finding while he was digging around his backyard.

A Man From Arizona
Before we get into the details of what he found, let us first talk about the circumstances that led to the incident. What was the reason that John was first messing around in the dirt?
Original Plans For His House
It should go without saying that John Sims did not just wake up and feel the need to dig around his backyard. No, he actually came across the original plans of the property through the city records. After taking a look at it, he finally noticed something buried in his backyard that he had never noticed prior.

Original Plans For His House
Obviously, it made him want to act right away. He was actually incredibly excited about the adventure that he was about to undertake.
X Marks The Spot
Who wouldn’t be excited with such a development? John asked the help of a metal detector specialist in order to help solve the mystery that was unraveling then and there. They spend quite some time under the sun but they eventually spotted two locations in the backyard that appeared to be the area the map indicated.

X Marks The Spot
They labeled the spots by drawing Xs on them like you can see in the photo below. After this, John had full control over the matter and it was his call to proceed.
Was It Buried Treasure?
John’s mind was running with ideas about what could be hiding right in his backyard. He could not say for certain what it could be but he had some theories. We bet you do, too! Could it be a hidden treasure or some sort of time capsule?

Was It Buried Treasure?
At that point in time, the only thing that he was sure about was that he was fascinated by the secrets of his property. It did not take long before he began to dig and discover what was lying in store for him.
He could barely hold his excitement in when he actually began the digging process. However, it did not take long in his excavation before he encountered something that he did not expect. The shovel he was using made contact with a metal object!

Initially, he did not know what to make of it since it was covered by a thick coating of dirt. He continued digging with renewed passion so that he can figure out what the object was.
A Lid?
After quite some time, he was able to find out that the object he excavated was some sort of metal lid. John felt even more intrigued by the mystery that was unraveling right before his eyes. It was going to take him a lot of effort in order to learn the secrets of the sturdy metal lid.

A Lid?
What could it be covering? John was thinking the same thing at the time, though he would soon get a response to the question sooner rather than later.
What Lies Beneath
Yep, John had to undergo a lot of things so that he can displace the heavy metal object he found.

What Lies Beneath
It took him hours of hard work under the sun just so that he can pull it out of the dirt. It seems ridiculous that this thing had been lying under his nose the entire time! Now it was time to figure out what the lid is for.
Lifting The Lid
Upon opening the lid, John made sure to take note of everything that he would find hiding inside. However, what he found did not align with his expectations at all! He was completely mystified, to say the least. What you see below is exactly what he saw.
John was initially unsure whether these were blades or stairs. There was only one thing left to do. John decided that he would go inside and see for himself!
I’m Going In
However, he had to solve yet another obstacle before he could do that. There was a layer of dirt on the opening and it was making things more difficult for him. He first had to clear the grime so that he could completely remove the door and crawl into the entrance.

I’m Going In
He was amazed and excited to find out such a huge thing lying underneath his garden. Despite all of this, let us not forget that he was taking a large risk by entering a place that he did not formerly know about!
Pandora’s Box
After he removed the dirt, he was able to carve a way to enter the space. Upon a little bit of prodding, he was able to come to the conclusion that it was a staircase, not blades like he originally thought. He proceeded with caution as he continued to go down.

Pandora’s Box
After all, he had zero clues about what the staircase led up to! Soon enough, he would find out what was waiting for him down there.
Tunnel Of Terror
While he was able to find the blueprints of the property, they did not come with information that revealed the existence of the staircase and the tunnel.

Tunnel of Terror
After inspecting the area, John could tell that the structure had been constructed and then abandoned a long time ago. He could feel an air of eeriness as he took his first few steps. Let’s just say that the next thing he saw did not help remove the spookiness of the area.
Was It A Shelter?
Upon stepping inside, he quickly saw something that resembled a hand-crank fan and an electric fan. These objects served as enough proof that the space had been built with the intention of sheltering someone for quite some time. There was no doubt that a lot of thought went into its construction.

Was It A Shelter?
John practically went nuts when he realized he had access to a bomb shelter inside his own property! Of course, he continued to explore the place but he did not expect that there were more things waiting for him to discover.
Out With The Old
Before he made contact with the ground, John was wise enough to ensure that it was clear of danger. He then began to remove the debris that was lodged between the staircase and the shelter. It was a wise move since he needed all the help he could get in order to navigate the rubble.

Out With The Old
The space seemed like it could be a great man cave when given the right restoration. However, it was still imperative that the whole area is explored before John can decide what to do with it.
Intense Labour
John had to make a lot of effort in order to completely clear up the pile of rubble that was making it difficult to navigate the rest of the space.

Intense Labour
However, he was too far in all ready to just give up. He used many buckets in order to remove and dispose of the debris that was getting in the way.
Not At All Safe
Aside from the debris, there was another problem that John had to resolve before he could get anywhere. We’re talking about the possibly life-threatening existence of the rust on the staircase!

Not At All Safe
It is no secret that rust weakens metal so the overall stability of the structure was a major cause for concern. John was not too excited about the fact, but he knew that safety comes first. He had to push back the exploration so that he could secure the place.
Cleared The Pile…
This photograph shows the result of John’s efforts after he spent several hours cleaning up the rubble in the area. That’s a pretty impressive difference, don’t you think? We daresay that all of his hard work clearly paid off as it was finally a lot easier to explore the area!

Cleared The Pile…
However, there was another thing that had to be accomplished before he could check out what was hidden inside.
Called For Help
It was a smart idea for John to enlist the help of his good friends for his renovation project as well as the exploration of the shelter.

Called For Help
Even his friends were shocked to hear of his discovery and they were, of course, more than eager to help him find out the secrets of the place. We don’t blame them – we’re sure we would have the same reactions if he were our friend!
Things Speeded Up
Among other things, the gang first helped dig around the shelter entrance so that they can further strengthen it.

Things Speeded Up
The guys knew how important safety was for their undertaking. It took them quite some time and a lot of work before they could ensure that the opening was working properly. Things finally looked up when they were able to renew it with the use of concrete.
Years Of Neglect
It seemed that years had passed before the abandoned structure had been rediscovered by John! This was particularly evident in the amount of work that the men had to accomplish.

Years of Neglect
It’s a good thing the men knew that they were unto something extraordinary. This thought probably kept them motivated during the entire restoration process.
The Boyz Are Back In Town
They were able to clear the space surrounding the opening and they further strengthened the rebar with epoxy to secure it.

The Boyz Are Back In Town
This was an important step since it provided the entrance support and allowed them to enter the place. It was finally time to unravel what had been hidden away all this time.
Blood, Sweat, Tears
We already know that the project was time-consuming and taxing for these guys. The mystery, however, kept this group of friends focused on the end goal.

Blood, Sweat, Tears
After all, they knew that there was an opportunity to discover something incredible inside the shelter. We bet that the pain, labor, and time felt like worthwhile investments for them!
A Wooden Frame
After they were able to lay on a batch of concrete and fortifying the rebar, they also had to attend to the exterior of the shelter. What did they have to do to accomplish this?

A Wooden Frame
Well, they first had to create a wooden frame. They quickly got to work. We bet that they were excited about the next step. They just need to ensure that it was safe so that they can go inside and explore.
Whistle While You Work
Do we really need to elaborate that the group had been busy with all of the tasks that they had to accomplish?

Whistle While You Work
Among these things, they had to form and pour concrete, something that was important when it came to the restructuring procedure. It was great that these friends got along well! We bet that the project gave them a lot of time to bond.
All In A Day’s Work
A Sonotube cardboard form proved to be an essential object in their quest to protect the inside part of the entrance.

All In A Day’s Work
Why? Well, they didn’t want to damage the structure while they made their way inside, of course. They were now a step closer in their wish to reveal the shelter’s secrets!
Bomb Shelter Chic
Like most explorers, the gang came up with a plan on how to go about their exploration. This included setting up electricity inside and bringing other utilities that they will need for the task at hand.

Bomb Shelter Chic
If anything, this reveals a lot about what they thought they would find inside! At least the guys were prepared for whatever they would find, right?
Little By Little
Wow! Will you look at that? The image below shows the result of the men’s efforts.

Little By Little
They were able to reform the structure and make it even more beautiful. The concrete that they had poured ended up drying perfectly. However, this was not the end of it as they still had some work to do in order to accomplish their mission.
Summer Heat
They were working in an open area and they eventually had to get a tent to protect the site from the heat of the sun.

Summer Heat
While John was initially terrified of the discovery, it did not long before the site ended up becoming some sort of attraction in the comfort of his backyard.
Determination Station
It’s pretty impressive to us how the crew didn’t lose their patience considering how much time the task required.

Determination Station
Their curiosity and determination are simply commendable! We bet that it was these qualities that drove them to the finish line. The obstacles were simply no match for their will.
Rollin Up Their Sleeves
As anyone who has participated in renovation projects can say, laying out concrete can be both boring and messy.

Rolling Up Their Sleeves
It is pretty much a hassle in all sense of the word. It’s a good thing that this particular task was part of the last stage of the project. This was the last stretch and their morale was incredibly high!
Digging Deep
They needed to fortify the base area and this is where the rebar came in. Setting it up was a good idea since the area was located deep below the ground.

Digging Deep
It was essential that all pieces of the structure were supported well, otherwise they might end up buried below! They were almost done.
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
This picture shows the project just before they put the finishing touches. Don’t you think that it looks excellently constructed?

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
By then, the men just had to wait for everything to dry and set. We’re sure that the entire crew was proud and happy when they saw that their hard work paid off.
Taking Shape
It’s obvious that the renovation delivered a lot of changes to the entire structure. It wasn’t long ago that it was an abandoned site that was in danger of crashing all at once.

Taking Shape
Now, it is a safe and secure structure that could be explored at will. At long last, it was finally time to see everything that this underground space had to offer.
Pure Amazement
The crew deserved a break after toiling under the scorching sun for hours on end. While they were resting, they couldn’t help themselves from admiring what they had made while working the day away.

Pure Amazement
If you ask us, it’s clear that a great team can accomplish just about anything they wish!
Once everything was ready, it was high time that the crew had a look of what was lying in wait.

They simply could not believe how much they were able to transform the mysterious tunnel. It almost looked like a different place from the one they originally saw. How cool is that?
What A Discovery!
Here you can see a black pipe lying just beside the opening of the tunnel. Did you know that this was the only way that the men would receive air while they were exploring the depths of the structure? Yikes.

What A Discovery!
This contraption became necessary because there would be extremely low air concentration wherever the tunnel ended up leading them towards.
Time To Explore
Alas, the guys were finally going to see what this intriguing, abandoned tunnel had in store for them. They deserved this!

Time To Explore
After all, working with concrete was no joke. They were done with the hard part and it was time to reap what they have sown.
Inside Wonders
Another thing they did to secure the place was to remove and replace the old staircase in the shelter!

Inside Wonders
They would have been fools if they didn’t do this. The rusty staircase simply had to go!
Secret Stairways
John consulted the blueprints again before they proceeded with their excursion.

Secret Stairways
A glance at it convinced him that they were about to enter some sort of bomb shelter. What else could it be, right? The previous homeowner must have been coming up with a contingency plan in case some sort of disaster strikes.
The Starting Of Revelations!
There’s actually a reason why the men came so prepared for the endeavor. John once worked in the fire department so there’s no doubt he was an expert at saving people trapped in small spaces. His old responsibilities weren’t so different from the task at hand.

The Starting Of Revelations
One of the things that he and the guys were able to notice was that whoever constructed the space planned ahead. It seemed like he knew the basics when it came to surviving in these conditions.
A Better View
This photo will show you the view that the gang had upon crawling into the so-called bunker.

A Better View
It was almost unbelievable that everything was in great condition when it had been hidden away under the ground all this time. The space they found was dome-shaped and it was adorned with beautiful, arched doorways.
To The Ceiling
Another thing also grabbed their attention: the fiberglass ceiling that was in tatters.

To The Ceiling
The guys knew that it must be fixed as soon as possible so that it will not harm anyone’s skin and lungs. In this state, they knew that coming in contact with it can be dangerous.
Removed It
They quickly took the fiberglass off the ceiling and you can see what the ceiling looked like afterward.

Removed It
The exploration was not all fun and games as you can probably tell. It was at this point that the guys knew that they also had to renovate and remodel this space.
The Interior Found
Here is the complete view of the interior area of the structure after they had been renovating the exterior the whole day.

The Interior Found
While it might not be all that impressive, they knew how much potential it had. They were already thinking of ways to make the area better!
Marveling At History
It took some time but John was finally able to see what they had been working for during the day.

Marveling At History
While it was not what he initially had in mind, there’s no denying the fact that they were able to make history. It was still surreal that all of this had been lying inside his property all this time.
More To Do
John later elaborated about the way he felt after unearthing this peculiar finding right in his backyard.

More To Do
He has since promised that he will keep working on the project and that he will definitely finish it sometime in the future. It also seems like his friends will still be there to help him!
New Construction
The team went back to work in order to help provide the structure with a sense of stability.

New Construction
This quality was, of course, just as important as the aesthetic appearance of the space! The image that you can see below showcases the work that they were able to do. That’s pretty impressive if you ask us!
Getting Closer
They talked about the design and they were able to come up with adjustments and improvements for the structure.

Getting Closer
First and foremost, they wanted to make the area more secure and compact. The men also made it a point to make the entry and exit point much easier to access.
Future Plans
When it comes to his future plans for the space, John has mentioned that he is looking forward to the restoration of the bunker. He is also trying to find out more information about when it was made.

Future Plans
Don’t worry about missing out, however! John has promised everyone that he will keep us informed about future developments. We are thrilled to see what he and his friends come up with, to say the least!