Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last?

Almost any frequent flier can repeat the oxygen mask instructions verbatim. Even though it’s rare that you would need to use oxygen masks, many wonder about how long the masks could work. Apparently, they’re able to supply 15 minutes of oxygen. Even if that sounds like a short amount, during that entire time, the pilot would theoretically be fervently working to descend to an altitude where the cabin pressure will equalize, thus, making it easier for passengers to breathe.

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last@

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last?


Crew Member Relationships

We’ve spoken about relations between the crew and passengers, but how about amongst the crew themselves? Turns out that relationships between the plane crew is very common. Of course, you have the stereotypical flight attendant dating a pilot, but flight attendants also get together with other flight attendants. Since the hours are long and hard, the crew naturally becomes close to one another. Some couples opt to fly together, while others prefer not to.

Crew Member Relationships

Crew Member Relationships