Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Best Time To Fly

According to flight crews, there actually is an ideal time to fly. Now, this may upset all those who are not morning people, but let’s not forget you can always nap on the flight. Anyway, the morning flights tend to be a lot smoother than later flights. These morning flights give you a higher chance of avoiding inclement weather like, thunderstorms.

Best Time To Fly

Best Time To Fly


Too Much To Drink

Apparently, everything is well and fine if a passenger ends up drinking a bit too much. That is, if they’re a pleasant and friendly drunk who is not disturbing anyone and polite to the crew, all is well. However, the minute an inebriated passenger becomes obnoxious, loud and rowdy, it’s not okay. In fact, the crew can call ahead and have an officer ready at landing to escort this person to security immediately.

Too Much To Drink

Too Much To Drink