Forget getting cosmetic surgery or a face lift just to get rid of those annoying dark circles under your eyes. You know, the ones that make you resemble a raccoon. We gathered four simple tricks you can do any time, all the time, to help get rid of those dark circles – these tips are especially crucial when you’re flying! The more you fly, sometimes the more sleep you lose and those raccoon eyes come out in full force. So just keep the following in the back of your mind.
Change your diet:
Yes, unfortunately your diet could be the culprit of those pesky eye circles and puffiness. And when you’re flying, it can incredibly difficult to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Salty foods and alcohol cause bloating so if you cut these out of your diet – especially when flying – the likelihood of your the underneath of your eyes puffing up reduces. Moreover, just an ounce a day of flavonol-rich dark chocolate and also foods that are filled with omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon and walnuts) can greatly improve blood flow to the skin, says Lisa Drayer, a registered dietitian in New York City. We recommend bringing walnuts and a salmon sandwich on-board your next flight! What have you got to lose?

Change Your Diet
Cool tea bags:
Tea fans, this one’s for you! Don’t get rid of brewed tea bags, just place them in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes to cool off, then lay down and set the bags over your closed eyes. Seeing (sorry for the pun) as you are essentially being “forced” to relax for around 15 minutes, the cooled tea bags will be able to relieve the skin around your eyes. Therefore the swelling and discoloration around your eyes will diminish. Remember how we said cosmetic surgery wasn’t necessary? We meant it.

Cool Tea Bags
Stop rubbing your eyes:
Here’s the thing about friction – it causes skin pigmentation to darken. If you happen to be one of those people who constantly rubs their eyes, here is an important reason why you should stop immediately. We know it can be hard when flying, but something as simple as not rubbing your eyes makes all the difference.

Stop Rubbing Your Eyes
Get a retinoid cream:
Retinoids are a perfect solution for the area surrounding your eyes. The reason being that they promptly help even out discoloration! Moreover, they can boost collagen so those fine lines will reduce in size and depth. Oh yeah, your skin will in turn appear smooth and bright after regular, continued use.

Get A Retinoid Cream