Name a single person on Earth who doesn’t crave flawless, healthy skin. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Yeah, I figured the list would come back empty. Many individuals will go through h-e-double-l and back to get stunning skin, but there are chemical free, safe alternatives! It’s so easy to ignore or tone down skin care when we’re jetting off to our new destination. However, neglect is not the answer when it comes to skin care. This is why we’ve collected five simple dermatologist tips, ones you should adhere to at all times. Especially when you’re flying!
Picking and Popping:
Heidi Waldorf is a dermatologist who states that picking and popping facial blemishes is basically one of the worst things you could do to your skin. Yes, it creates inflammation in the skin but it also causes discoloration and scarring. Next time you’ve got a zit, visit your dermatologist for an injection of cortisone or stock up on benzoyl peroxide so that you can apply it to the blemish. And if you’re an individual who suffers from chronic breakouts then consult with your dermatologist on a medical regimen tailored to your specific skin type.

Picking And Popping
Forget The Toothpaste:
Next is advice from dermatologist Valerie Callender – who has denounced YouTube beauty-vloggers and their hot, new “toothpaste tip.” Be aware that all skin functions at a healthy pH level of 5.5. However the minute you apply toothpaste in order to dry zits out, it drastically causes the pH level to fly into space. Furthermore, complications like irritation, dry skin, and discoloration will occur. Heck, Callender also stated that sometimes the side effects of using toothpaste can often times “look worse than the pimple!”

Forget The Toothpaste
A Miracle Cure Doesn’t Exist:
Kavita Mariwalla is a New York dermatologist who states that a so-called “miracle cure” does not exist. Yeah, don’t believe the hype. Often times, if the cure seems too good to be true, that’s because it is. Mariwalla found that when using a “miracle cure” cream, often individuals suffer from itchy, red, inflamed skin. Why? Most of the creams have harmful chemicals in the ingredients which irritates the skin tenfold. A kind reminder: be a skeptic when a new “miracle cure” pops up.

A Miracle Cure Doesnt Exist
Leg Hair Removal Cream Isn’t An Option:
Wendy E. Roberts is a California dermatologist who said, “I have seen this end up in burns, scars, and skin discoloration.” So, if you even considered for one second using leg hair removal on your face – don’t.

Leg Hair Removal Cream Isnt An Option
A Dermatologist Tip: Say No To Alcohol:
Okay, this one might be a tough one digest, especially when you’re flying! Latanya Benjamin, a Florida dermatologist, stated that alcohol as a skin cleanser, cut clear, or even zit remover will do more harm than good. Especially as it strips skin clear of natural oils, proteins, and fatty acids. All of which sound terrible but are actually necessary in order to secure our skin barrier and keep irritants out.

A Dermatologist Tip: Say No To Alcohol
In Conclusion:
Always remember that your skin is “the largest and most accessible organ”, therefore don’t neglect it! Take care of your skin, wisely and safely, especially since we’ve brought you tips from the top dermatologists.