What To Watch While Quarantined
We all know the drill these days since the Coronavirus started taking over, stay home, stay home. Okay, so we’re following the rules and we find ourselves counting the tiles on the floor just to get passed the boredom. unfortunately, this only lasts so long until we are back in the position that we want to pull our hair out. Luckily, that’s why it’s our job to provide you with the absolute best Netflix shows to watch at the moment. Grab some popcorn and any other snacks you may want and get ready because we are about to rock your world with these shows.
This Netflix original is a family sitcom centered on a boy with Autism, navigating through the world of friends, teachers, and family. It is named as having one of the most accurate depictions of the condition and is an excellent series for all ages to watch together.
Locke & Key
This Netflix PG 13 thriller will take you on a mystical world of adventure that will leave you jumping out of your seats, crying for you mommy. Either that, or we are babies over here. Either way, this show is engaging and will keep your mind distracted from the chaos of the COVID-19. Be careful, there may be some keys calling to you around your house…confused what we’re talking about? I guess you’ll have to watch to find out.
This Spanish Netflix original is everything we love about TV drama. It has action, romance, and scandal that makes it almost impossible to take our eyes off the screen. Whether you know Spanish or not, this Latin drama will keep you hooked, so come and follow Hugo in his journey to prove his innocence after his seven-year imprisonment for murdering his lover’s husband. And the endless amount of beautiful men definitely make it harder to stop watching.