This Man Made A Startling Discovery When He Started Digging In His Own Backyard

Published on 08/20/2018

Digging Deep

They needed to fortify the base area and this is where the rebar came in. Setting it up was a good idea since the area was located deep below the ground.

Digging Deep

Digging Deep

It was essential that all pieces of the structure were supported well, otherwise they might end up buried below! They were almost done.

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

This picture shows the project just before they put the finishing touches. Don’t you think that it looks excellently constructed?

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

By then, the men just had to wait for everything to dry and set. We’re sure that the entire crew was proud and happy when they saw that their hard work paid off.