Was It Buried Treasure?
John’s mind was running with ideas about what could be hiding right in his backyard. He could not say for certain what it could be but he had some theories. We bet you do, too! Could it be a hidden treasure or some sort of time capsule?

Was It Buried Treasure?
At that point in time, the only thing that he was sure about was that he was fascinated by the secrets of his property. It did not take long before he began to dig and discover what was lying in store for him.
He could barely hold his excitement in when he actually began the digging process. However, it did not take long in his excavation before he encountered something that he did not expect. The shovel he was using made contact with a metal object!

Initially, he did not know what to make of it since it was covered by a thick coating of dirt. He continued digging with renewed passion so that he can figure out what the object was.