Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli
An Orange is the New Black match made in heaven! Samira Wiley plays Poussey Washington on the series while Lauren Morelli is the show’s writer. October 2016 is when they got engaged and in March 2017, they got hitched!

Samira Wiley Lauren Morelli
George Takei and Brad Altman
80 year old George Takei will always be Hikaru Sulu from the Star Trek franchise, apart from that, his social media has over 10 million followers – you’ll have to follow him to find out why, but we recommend prepping your abs, you’ll be laughing hysterically for quite some time. Oh, do we need to mention Takei is a huge LGBT advocate? Didn’t think so. Okay, okay, let’s move on. Only in 2005 did Takei announce he was in a committed relationship with writer Brad Altman and had been for 18 years. In 2008, these two got hitched!

George Takei Brad Altman