This Simple Outfit Made This Woman Get Kicked Out Of A Water Park

Published on 05/24/2020

A Sense Of Calm

During those two days, Madelyn did her best to be strong for her family. She felt a sense of calm as she just laid on her tub. She had the chance to reflect alone. She eventually realized that she really had been a strong mother to the point that she forgot about herself. She was too focused on her family – she always put herself last in her priorities, maybe that was also one of the reasons why she decided to stay there and not go with the emergency workers who came. 

A Sense Of Calm

A Sense Of Calm


She Was Determined To Change

After the accident, she could not take all the sufferings she had been experiencing anymore. She realized that she had to lose weight. She gathered all of her determination and patience as she started her journey to lose some pounds. 

She Was Determined To Change

She Was Determined To Change