Stars That Have Aged Flawlessly, Proving Beauty Is Timeless

Published on 02/05/2019

Joan Collins, 84

These days, Dynasty is a hit show on Netflix, but did you know that it’s a reboot of a series that aired in the ’80s? The original actress who portrayed Alexis Colby is none other than Joan Collins. In her mid-80s, she looks as fabulous as ever. Her anti-aging secret is avoiding being in the sun too much.

Joan Collins 84

Joan Collins 84


Justine Bateman, 52

While Justine Bateman was under contractual obligation with the show Family Ties, she wanted to get a college degree but couldn’t due to her busy schedule. In 2016, she managed to attain that goal, graduating from UCLA. Justine has expanded her career beyond acting over the years. She’s a writer, producer, and a director. She created a short called Five Minutes which was the official selection at several film festivals and got a lot of great feedback from audiences and critics.

Justine Bateman 52

Justine Bateman 52