Taman Negara Canopy Walkway (Malaysia)
The Taman Negra Canopy Walkway is the longest of its kind, stretching over 1,700 feet, and hangs 130 feet above the ground. This bridge has become one of the top tourist attractions in Malaysia. Cross the walkway only if you feel super brave and try not to look down.

Taman Negara Canopy Walkway (Malaysia)
Keshwa Chaca Bridge (Peru)
If you guessed that this bridge is made of woven grass, then you are right. However, if you are questioning its reliability, you don’t actually need to since it has stood the test of time, having been built by the Incas 500 years ago. A lot of work went into the construction of this bridge and many people were involved, like the women who first had to braid smaller, thinner ropes and the men who then used the small ropes to braid larger support cables. Known for being the last structure from Incan engineering, the Keshwa Chaca Bridge is quite impressive for holding out through the many years.

Keshwa Chaca Bridge (Peru)