Musou Tsuribashi Bridge (Japan)
This bridge is also known as the “scariest suspension bridge” in Japan and it was constructed in the 1950s. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been maintained well. It is located in Musou Tsuribashi, the Southern Japanese Alps. This bridge is made of a few wooden planks and wire and it has a narrow passage for the people daring enough to cross it.

Musou Tsuribashi Bridge (Japan)
William Preston Lane Bridge (Maryland, USA)
The William Preston Lane Bridge, AKA the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, sits 186 feet above Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, stretches for nearly 5 miles, and gets traffic of 24 million cars per year. In 1967, it was renamed after Lane, Maryland’s governor between the years 1947 and 1951, who made a promise that the state would get “a system of highways second to none in the nation.” In 1973, after traffic increased in the area, the parallel bridge was constructed. The area often gets heavy storms, which make it hard for drivers to see, so you must be careful.

William Preston Lane Bridge (Maryland, USA)