Hecklers In The Crowd
Apparently, Nadia did not let anything get in the way of her winning. Everyone in the audience kept their attention on the Romanian Olympian but she knew better than to let the pressure affect her. As she performed her routine, drunk hecklers tried to distract her to no avail. She might not have enjoyed the ideal amount of preparation, but Nadia still bagged two gold medals and two silver ones.

Hecklers In The Crowd
Unfair Scoring
To no one’s surprise, Nadia was able to deliver more flawless performances this time around. However, there were several things that would get in her way. Bela Károlyi noticed that the judges were taking a really long time to deliver her scores and he was immediately suspicious. When they finally revealed her scores, he felt they were much too low than what Nadia deserved. He proceeded to make a scene and it was promptly televised. Some Romanians felt like he embarrassed their country and Bela started worrying about his safety when they got home.

Unfair Scoring