Mutual Respect
Although the Moscow Olympic Games scandal still lingered in the air, she snagged a gold medal yet again. More importantly, she earned the respect and admiration of fans and competitors from around the world. Her Soviet competitor Nellie Kim even hugged her and extended her congratulations on the podium. She put to rest the myth about Nadia’s demeanor by explaining, “She was psychologically prepared, not emotionless.”

Mutual Respect
Escaping The Grip
As a way to promote Nadia in America, the Gymnastics Federation set her up on a tour named “Nadia 81” in 1981. It was spread across 11 cities in the United States and it was chance for Nadia to be admired by her American fans. The tour also offered safety for Bela, who eventually defected. Without a doubt, Nadia felt abandoned yet again.

Escaping The Grip