Iya Kazurabashi Bridge (Japan)
In this picture, it’s clear to see that everyone is holding on to the Iya Kazurabashi bridge which dates back to the 1300s. It is located in the Iya Valley and sits above the river of Iya-gawa in Tokushima, Japan. This bridge has wooden planks connected to each other with mountain vines. Historically, it is very significant, but perhaps the safety in renovations and modernization needs to be considered, so cross it at your own risk and just make sure that you hold on tight.

Iya Kazurabashi Bridge (Japan)
Mystery Bridge (Indonesia)
We’re not even sure why anyone is crossing this bridge seeing as it’s hanging on its side and it looks like it’s about to give up on life. This bridge seems to be a distant relative of the ‘Indo Board,’ a device used by skateboarders and surfers to develop balance. Basically, they try to balance a board without wheels on a foam cylinder while making sure they don’t touch the floor. In comparison, professional ‘indo-boarders’ wouldn’t really fare well on this Indonesian bridge.

Mystery Bridge (Indonesia)