Trift Bridge (Switzerland)
Located near Gadmen in the Swiss Alps, the beauty of this bridge is apparent to everyone – those who are afraid of heights and those who are not. It is suspended at 558 feet over Switzerland’s glaciers and 328 feet above sea level. This bridge was constructed back in 2004, but struggled with upholding really windy conditions. Fortunately, stabilizing cables were added in 2009 in order to ensure safer conditions for the brave and daring souls who decide to cross the bridge.

Trift Bridge (Switzerland)
Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa (Nepal)
Similar to a lot of crossings in Nepal, this hanging bridge is used by humans and animals. They have been using this bridge for decades in spite of its questionability under windy and rainy conditions. Every day, cattle and donkeys travel across this bridge that is hanging very high above the river valley. Fortunately, there are high side rails that protect those people brave enough to cross the bridge.

Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa (Nepal)